Saturday, January 27, 2007


what i deduced from your laauly laang note:

one kind of yellowness has not happened.
(afaik, it's happening now.)
boredness has happened.
bleeding nose has been left behind somewhere.
and you are traversing up the wrong nostril,
dreaming of noserings.

you can hate, of course.
Am Sh, and her pretentious ilk,
haunting jazzthemed haunts,
particularly when she is/was pissed with you.

you can hate anything you like.
honestly. because you already hate many things.

it's a strong word that you've abused,
to fit convenience.

nice convenience,
it defines what you finally love.

don't hate. you have a lot to lose, then.

be at peace with most things. it's so much easier,


Anonymous said...

Post something I can comment on. :|

The Darkling Thrush said...

thoo, goobay,
go comment on the other blog.

Anonymous said...

Which one?