Monday, October 5, 2009

Re: LFU - 1

What have they done to you?!
As if you weren't verbose enough.

The parenthetical asides are so reassuring.

Are you sure they aren't tapping your blog entries?
I think they might all just hate you that you know more multi-syllable words than they do.

You sound dull and bored. And ready to pick a political debate on even shoelace.
Please be more cheerful, and unboring. Just like you were here. Please. Some 40 years down the line, I must recall that obnoxiously chocolatey Bulls Eye we gobbled, as a time spent on stupid talk, and not something about the Economic Conditions of Ivory Coast, and how it has very little to do with Ivory. You must, must counter the atmosphere. And I don't mean just the weather.

I don't get it. How can a place with such a concentration of youth sound so... dead? How? You are in a college. College is meant to be full of inane, asinine, and other such things. Things that you will look back upon when you're actually employed in meaningful work, and think, "God, what were we doing back then?"

Shake yourself up. You sound like Anatomy class in first year was FAR more entertaining.

And I told you not to eat what I wouldn't. Why the hell are you eating Upma!?

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